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goodness[英['gʊdnɪs] 美['ɡʊdnəs]] n. 1 that which is pleasing or valuable or useful 同义词: good 2 moral excellence or admirableness 同义词: good专业释义 ...goodness的意思、解释 goodness 基本解释 名词善良; 上帝; 良好; 精华 int.天哪,哎呀 goodness什么意思 goodness 同义词 名词good goodness的翻译 goodness 反义词 名词badne...

n. decency,kindness,honesty,integrity,good 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 goodness 显示所有例句 n. 1. 善良;优良;美德the quality of being good 2. (尤指有益健康的)...Goodnessme, no! 天啊,不! 牛津词典 (formal)At least have thegoodness(= good manners) to look at me when I'm talking to you. 我对你说话,你至少也应该...

●^● goodness ['gudnis] n. 善良, 美德, 精华 int. 天哪 例句与用法: Thankgoodness! 谢天谢地! She's the very incarnation ofgoodness. 她是美德的化身。 Mygoodness! int. 天哪!Will you have the goodness to show me the way? 请告诉我怎么走,好吗? 详细解释:good.nessn.(名词)The state or quality of being good.善良:良好、美好、优良的状态或性质...